Application for MLS Director
WVAR, a shareholder of My Florida MLS dba Stellar MLS, has a seat on the corporate Board of Directors that governs the business of the Multiple Listing Service and other affiliated services and companies. The term runs for 3 years beginning in July and ending in June of each year. Under the by-laws of WVAR it also requires this person to occupy a seat on the corporate WVAR Board of Directors as well. There are required trainings, and strong attendance polices in place for the Stellar MLS and WVAR Boards; so a time commitment could equal two board meetings per month in some cases.
If you have an interest in serving in this volunteer role; please fill out the form below. Please note, that only dues paying members of WVAR who also purchase their MLS through our local service center are considered for the seat. If you have further questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Ryan Tucholski, Association Executive at 386-774-6433 or