2024 REALTOR of the Year
The Board of Directors of the West Volusia Association of REALTORS requests your nomination for the 2024 REALTOR of the Year Award. The individual selected will be honored this December when WVAR recognizes its award winners and installs its 2025 Board of Directors at the Sanborn Center in DeLand.
To enhance the true value and meaning of the Award, there are no absolute requirement that a REALTOR be selected each year. It shall only be awarded when a West Volusia REALTOR clearly demonstrates worthiness for the honor in any given year.
To be eligible for the award, the recipient must be a REALTOR member in good standing of the West Volusia Association of REALTORS (fees paid, no legal action, no fines or judgments in previous and current year consideration) for at least two years. Every REALTOR member is eligible except members of the WVAR Board of Directors any any past recipient of this award during the past seven (7) years.
This award is based upon an individual REALTOR member's contribution not only to the West Volusia Association of REALTORS, but also to their fellow members, the real estate profession and of the community.
Association participation metric is based on WVAR participation/Committee/Leadership as this is a WVAR award and not an award of another Board/Association/Council/Institute etc.
If you are unsure of what your nominee has attended etc., please contact any WVAR staff member to receive a list from our records. We will also fill in any blanks where we are aware of the member attending classes/events etc. to maximize the members point total.
Nominations due by 5PM on December 13th, 2024.
Please do not nominate someone multiple times, it does not increase their chances of receiving an award as they are POINTS based. If you are having difficulty filling out the form, contact WVAR staff for assistance. Incomplete applications will be discarded for failing to meet the nomination requirements. No anonymous nominations will be accepted. Make sure every section is complete and every required field is completed to ensure the nominee is placed into nomination. Incomplete nominations will not be accepted.